Turning to the Arts in Times of Trouble
By Alice Manning
Alice Manning on the role of art in building endurance.
It's time that influencers took responsibility for false beauty standards
By Kirsten Murray
Kirsten Murray discusses the Digitally Altered Body Images Bill, and why celebrities need to take responsibility for their social media content
Nouse speaks with VC Charlie Jeffery about tuition fees, safety nets, and online education
By Matthew King
“Our students are getting a good experience online. It is not the same experience as they would normally have, but I don’t think anyone is thinking that it is a worse or less effective experience”
Disabled students deserve better
By Ally Smith
Non-disabled staff and students alike need to address the current climate of ableism
University plans major changes to course structures
By Annabel Mulliner
An anonymous source within the University has revealed that major changes are planned for the 2022/2023 academic year
Editor's Note: There is no 'new normal'
Deputy Editor Annabel Mulliner looks back on the lessons that both lockdown and Nouse taught her this year
The highs and lows in the life of a college football president
By Barney Andrews
Barney Andrews and Hasham Yaqoob speak to the football presidents of six of the nine colleges to gain insight into the challenges of securing kit sponsors
#SaveOurSports - A break down
By Blyth McPherson
Blyth McPherson looks into the new #SaveOurSports movement
Lockdown Local: Supporting independents in challenging times
By Kirsten Murray , Alice Manning and Kendra Williams
MUSE’s Features Editors talk to local businesses about how we can support them during the run-up to Christmas
Science and literature should not be thought of as binaries
By Sam Campbell
It is a new phenomenon that science and literature are to be thought of as separate disciplines; there is a wide-ranging history of the two working with each other.
Made with Love: Student Jewellers
By Amy Cope
Amy Cope shares the work of three University of York students making and selling handmade jewellery alongside their studies
Biden's win sparks hope for international climate change action
By Molli Tyldesley
Molli Tyldesley looks at how international cooperation on climate change is as important as pressure from below.
The Future of Music Festivals
By Kristina Wemyss
Kristina Wemyss looks at how live music might be able to return in a COVID safe way
A24 Studios: The Top 10 Films
By Sam Harding , Ivor Holmes and Kyle Boulton
The MUSE Film and TV Section discusses the best movies to come out of Hollywood's most exciting studio.