Previously Held Positions: Production Director (2024-2024), Deputy Features Editor (2022-2024)
The Irony of Irony: Is Gen Z Scared of Showing Sincerity?
By Charlotte Legrand
Charlotte Legrand (she/her) dissects the internet’s ever-changing definition of irony and its relationship with authenticity
York Students' Union Election 2024
By Charlotte Legrand , Alexandra Pullen and Antonia Shipley
A report on the night and announcement of the new Sabbatical Officers
Infantilising or empowering: the 'universal girl'
Charlotte Legrand (she/her) explores how the feminist origins of 'girl' trends redefine girlhood
From Ghosting to Hosting: The Etiquette Rules of Today’s World
Charlotte Legrand (she/her) questions the purpose of fixed etiquette rules in an ever-changing society.
“Since becoming vegan, I have found myself becoming far more adventurous with food and staples in my diet, meals I never would have had a few years ago.” Vegetarian and Vegan Society interview
Charlotte Legrand (she/her) talks to Alex from the Vegetarian and Vegan Society about the development of the vegan movement in York.