Previously Held Positions: News Editor (2021-2022), Deputy News Editor (2021-2021)
£48 000 on footlights
By Luke Brown
The cost of Central Hall's new lighting revealed
Student centre in name only
Luke Brown reports on the newly announced investment on campus
Library to return to 24-hour opening times
The change marks a return to the pre-pandemic norm
YORCUP success
The University's reusable cup scheme delivers on its promises
Pierrick Roger: "I’m ready to go full-on in my campaigns"
The incoming YUSU President sets out his plans for the year ahead
£293k to get to Hull and back
The true cost of the free coach service between Hull and York revealed
£520k Derwent refurb
The University discloses the cost of Derwent maintenance works
University of York staff to go on strike again in February
York staff in the University and College Union (UCU) will take part in up to 10 days of industrial action
North Yorkshire goes to the polls
By Ed Halford and Luke Brown
Residents will vote in a Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner by-election
Free Speech Society: 'Become more comfortable disagreeing with other people"
Interview with Euan Clayton, President of Free Speech Society