Previously Held Positions: Muse Editor (2020-2021), Deputy Muse Editor (2020-2020), Arts Editor (2019-2020), Deputy Features Editor (2019-2019)
‘If tonight goes well, thank Aoife’ : In Conversation with KAWALA
By Jenna Luxon
Jenna Luxon talks the two sides of modern pop, the virtues of inoffensive music and sound engineer love with North London duo KAWALA
Viva La Vulva: A Culture of Sex Positivity
Jenna Luxon talks to York student Phoebe Crossing about creating sex and body positivity project Viva La Vulva
Drawing Out Diversity
Jenna Luxon speaks to York graduate Laura Moseley about her work on increasing the visibility of female artists
'Normal People': Why we shouldn't romanticise flawed characters
Jenna Luxon comments on the adaptation of Sally Rooney’s bestselling novel and why we shouldn't romanticise flawed characters
A World of Voices: Shadi Ghadirian
Jenna Luxon explores the empowering photography of Iranian artist Shadi Ghadirian.
She’s a woman, not a villain
Jenna Luxon discusses biographical fiction novel Rodham and asks what it is about ambitious women that society still finds so unpalatable.
Editor's Note: Rory Gilmore wannabe
Jenna Luxon on the reality of student journalism and saying goodbye to Nouse
E-Male: Are women emailing 'wrong'?
Jenna Luxon takes a look at the link between gender and emailing style and asks why it is that women face more pressure to change the way they communicate in the workplace
Editor’s Note: Trampled flowers
MUSE Editor Jenna Luxon shares how the events of the past week have left her feeling more angry than hopeful
Harder times and higher standards
Jenna Luxon takes a look at the challenges facing Key Stage 3 art students during the pandemic and why even pre-Covid-19 art was suffering in the education system.
The dangers of commodity feminism
Jenna Luxon on why the ‘self-care’ advertising trend is all about profit, not people.
Editor's Note: Beating lockdown boredom
MUSE Editor, Jenna Luxon on how Nouse is (just about) keeping her sanity intact this lockdown
Editor's Note: It's a limit, not a target
MUSE Editor, Jenna Luxon on avoiding post-grad plan pressure
York Mediale 2020 - People We Love
Jenna Luxon reviews her experience of this year's emotive York Mediale projects.