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Nouse editor, Gracie Daw, runs through how to join Nouse

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Image by Nouse

By Gracie Daw

Firstly, welcome to the University of York, and welcome to Nouse.

Nouse is one of many campus media groups at the university, we publish the broadsheet newspaper and are the oldest society on campus, having been founded in 1964. Nouse releases multiple print editions each year, which can be picked up around campus for free, as well as publishing a range of articles online throughout the year. To remain up to date with everything going on and when we release our print editions, please follow @yorknouse on Instagram or Twitter.

We have loads of many sections you can get involved with, ranging from News to Science, or Arts to Food and Drink! You can find all of our sections on our website or in our latest print edition. As well as publishing a newspaper, we are a thriving society, hosting multiple socials throughout each term. We also have a lot of fun perks like free cinema, gig or theatre tickets, in the past year we’ve received free tickets for artists like Sam Fender and Bastille, in exchange for writing an article.

From a personal perspective, Nouse has been a huge part of my university experience and I have met many amazing people from it, including some of my closest friends!

One of the first things I should probably mention is how to pronounce our very strange name! Nouse was named after the River Ouse which runs through York (Pronounced ooze). It is also a pun using the word ‘news’ given that we are a newspaper. Therefore, we are Nouse as in booze, not Nouse as in mouse or Nouse as in loose!

If you are interested in joining, we would love to have you and there are multiple ways to get involved!

You can write for us by purchasing a membership, and pitching an article to one of our editorial team or by responding to a content call on our Nouse writers Facebook group! We regularly post content calls which are our editor’s ideas which we are looking for writers for which is a good way to get started if you are nervous about pitching your own idea. We are always looking for new pitches too so if you have an idea please email the respective section editor or message them on Facebook. A list of the editorial team can be found here or at the top of our Facebook group.

Writing is not the only way to get involved! We also have multiple ‘behind the scenes’ or more technical roles at Nouse such as Technical director who is responsible for keeping our website up and running, Design director, who helps design the paper and social media posts or Illustrations editor who draws sketches which are published in our print editions. If you would be interested in getting involved with any of these roles, please email

Finally, we have our amazing editorial team who run each section in our paper, collate articles for our print editions and lays them up in the office to turn them from google docs into an actual newspaper! Becoming an editor requires no prior experience as we can teach you everything you need to know. We will be holding our annual general meeting (AGM) on 10 October from 18.30 in P/L/001 where all positions will be available. More information, including a list of all the positions, will be published on our social media @yorknouse

If you have any questions at all, please drop us a message on Instagram or email We look forward to hearing from you and reading lots of new articles in the upcoming year.

Nouse writers Facebook group
