University of York Society Bucket List


Emily Hewat gives you a rundown of the less well known societies to join this year

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Image by Luke Snell

By Emily Hewat

While Freshers Week is a very exciting time, it’s very easy to feel like you’ve been hit with too much information at once. This is especially true at Freshers’ Fair when there are so many societies to choose from. It would be easy to panic and only sign up for ones you’ve heard of and considered prior to coming to York, leaving the more eclectic societies forgotten.

If this sounds like you, fear not, because Nouse has put together a list of all the more specialised societies you might not have heard of but are definitely worth considering!

  1. Salt Tasting Society

If you have a passion for seasoning then this is a great way to learn more about the history and qualities of imported spices and salt from around the globe.

2. Think Pacific

I think I speak for most of us when I say I am itching to jump on a plane, and volunteering in Fiji sounds like my idea of heaven right now. Think Pacific York helps you work through your application and answers any questions you may have about the programme.

3. Much Kazoo About Nothing

If the Shakespeare pun wasn’t already enough, this society offers any budding musician the opportunity to try learning a new musical instrument in a laid back setting. Covid-19 has disrupted their playing but they hope to put on two concerts each academic year.

4. Hummus appreciation society (HumSoc)

Who knew there were several different types of hummus? Initially it may seem strange to have a society devoted to just one dip, but HumSoc makes up for that by providing a hands-on experience in making hummus, experimenting with different flavours or just eating it whilst watching a film.

5. Coppa Feel Uni Boob team

While most societies on this list are just a bit of fun, this society aims to fundraise for a very serious cause in a fun way. This is one of 60 UK Uni Boob teams that raises awareness of breast cancer and the importance of women people checking their breasts or pecs. Society members can be found wandering round campus in a boob suit with lots of pink and glitter!

6. Princess Diana Society

If you need more royalty in your life (and who doesn’t?), the Princess Diana Society allows its members to feel a little closer to the royal lifestyle whilst remembering Princess Diana, who was known for her charitable work.

7. The Tipsygate Readers

Just about every Humanities student has an intention of joining a book club at some point throughout university and yet many of us fear the commitment too much to actually go through with it. The Tipsygate readers is a more relaxed approach to a book club which allows students to drop in and out whenever.

8. Tea Society

After all that reading, you’ll be wanting nothing more than a good cup of tea, and the Tea Society is the best place to try out all different kinds of tea. They are also currently looking for someone to take it over.

9. Caledonian Society -

Much to the displeasure of my housemates, I nearly joined this society thinking it would help me to learn the bagpipes but actually, York Caledonian Society focuses on teaching its members how to dance the Scottish Reel which is very similar to a ceilidh. With all this dancing comes two annual balls and the chance to attend balls at other universities.

10. Sock Society

With those Northern winter nights drawing in, it might be worth learning a little more about the creation and collection of the clothing that is essential for any student living in York.

11. YuFish

Every anglers dream; a society that provides the opportunity to fish on freshwater or saltwater in a friendly environment. YuFish provides the chance to boost your catch report or try something new.

12. Circus and Magic Society

My first experience with Circus and Magic Society was when I walked past them setting fire to their hands in Greg’s Place. This is not just a society for red noses and animal balloons; all the equipment is provided for students to learn virtually any circus skill they choose from Acro to Unicycling.

13. Beekeeping Society

If, like me, you’re frightened of bees and wasps, the idea of looking after their hives may feel like your worst nightmare. But the Beekeeping Society offers two styles of memberships for those students who are feeling a little apprehensive. If you’re not quite ready to get hands on, you can opt for the social membership to learn more about the importance of beekeeping and take part in the different socials before moving onto the practical membership.

14. Public Transport Society

Does what it says on the tin really; a society to discuss all things Public Transport. With close proximity to the National Railway Museum, York is the ideal location for it.

15. Nouse

Because I can’t write an article about societies and not include my favourite one...