Staying fit this lockdown


Kirsten Murray gives her top tips on keeping active right now

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Image by Kelly Sikemma

By Kirsten Murray

It’s lockdown number 377, and as clichéd as it sounds it is so important to stay fit during lockdown and keep moving. You don’t need to put pressure on yourself to have some huge transformation with the whole “new year new me” narrative; these are hard times and many of us are struggling. Instead, see exercise as a way to release some positive endorphins, we could all do with some of those! Without further ado, here are some fun workout ideas that can be done at home and hopefully you’ll find one that works for you!

  1. Hula-Hooping

Thought I’d start with something a bit different, and whilst I cannot claim to be a pro at this myself (yet), I am determined to improve my hula-hooping skills this lockdown and maybe find an ab or two! Half an hour of hula-hooping in the morning will be guaranteed to set you up for the day, and you can even do it whilst watching TV. To step it up a level, why not upgrade to a weighted hula-hoop – they are about £20 on Amazon, a solid investment.

  1. Skipping

Apparently just ten minutes of skipping a day is the equivalent to a 30-minute run; do you need another reason to start skipping? It focuses the mind and is super good for fitness levels, whilst also being an affordable option.

  1. A roll mat

So this isn’t a form of exercise, but I think it is an invaluable piece of equipment that is useful for so many fitness workouts. With a roll mat, any ab, butt, yoga or HIIT workout on Youtube is doable.

  1. Chloe Ting

Bit of a throwback to the first lockdown, but I actually really love Chloe Ting’s fitness videos and she is constantly releasing more. You can find plenty of fitness plans free on her website, or just browse the videos at your own leisure! There is something for everyone, and she has loads of low impact options if you prefer not to get too sweaty before that online Zoom seminar!

  1. Running

I have such an up and down relationship with running, and right now with it being so cold I have to admit that running isn’t my best friend. However, as the weather gets warmer and the mud dries out,  running is a great way to get some fresh air and stay fit. Enjoy a socially distanced run with your friend or just spend some time listening to a podcast whilst you pound those pavements.

  1. Les Mills

Now this is my absolute favourite. Les Mills is the ultimate fitness company with so many different workouts all available through the On Demand section of their website. From Body Attack, core workouts and my personal favourite, Body Combat, it is a great way to release that lockdown frustration and burn some calories. There are tonnes of workouts, and although some require equipment, the best ones don’t! Usually, Les Mills On Demand is £11.95 a month, however until the end of February they are offering a 30-day free trial! What’s not to love? I definitely recommend checking their website out! (Don’t worry if you miss the free trial, they always offer a 14-day free trial, so each of your housemates could sign up every two weeks!)
Try LES MILLS On Demand For Free - World Leading Workouts

  1. Dance Workouts

We may not be able to hit the clubs, but we can still practise those moves! There are so many options on YouTube, (I personally love the High School Musical ones) and it doesn’t even feel like exercising! Alternatively, if you have a Wii, play some Just Dance – it promises a guaranteed workout!

  1. Walking

A cliché I know – we are probably all sick of going on walks at this point, but I think if lockdown has done one thing it has made me appreciate a good walk. It is a great way to clear the mind and get out of the house for a bit.

  1. Meditation

It is just as important to look after the mind, especially at the moment. It is so easy for thoughts to spiral and to overthink in these times of uncertainty, so a quick five to ten minutes of meditation or mindfulness before bed helps calm the mind and relax you for a good night’s sleep. Again, there are many free apps, like Headspace or Calm, or you can follow a YouTube video.

I hope this has given you some fun ways to stay fit this lockdown, remember to stay safe and keep moving!