Left Wing, Right Wing: Thoughts from the Politics Editor
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By Geoff Glover
AS POLITICS EDITOR, I've possibly presided over one of the most colourful years for a Nouse editor ever.
I took over in time to cover Brexit last summer, and Donald Trump's election in November. Since then, I've covered Austria, Italy, Turkey, France, and as I write today, Britain. Other issues have also reared their heads. The Syrian Civil War: the eternal bloodbath that continues to decimate a once great site of world civilisation. Venezuela is in the thrall of pseudo-revolutionary upheaval as the Chavista government implodes. As I sit here penning my last ever column, I can't help but consider the true depth of change we've seen. Are we on the forefront of history? Two years ago, I'd have resoundingly said no. The system worked, the 21st century would be stable and prosperous, and we could definitely have our cake and eat it. Now, though, very clear fault lines have been exposed across our societies. To call the world in flux would be a massive understatement.
I have been extremely privileged to watch this unfold through Nouse. While this role has been instrumental in making me cynical through constant exposure to humanity being terrible to itself, I found myself strangely hopeful on the post-election morning, despite the arguably (though not by my opinion) worst possible outcome for Britain.
The last two years have shattered a decades long consensus. We would certainly be amiss to not recognise it. Whatever your thoughts on the state of the situation worldwide, it is arguably our duty to sit up, and pay attention. I also remain grateful for this years' events for reminding me that for better or worse, ordinary individuals possess enormous power to change everything. Finally, I remain indebted to Nouse itself. We've had our ups and downs, but I couldn't have asked for a better group to constantly vent my frustrations to and spend countless hours in the office and library with. My only regret is leaving before the next crisis, but I'm sure my successor will just as jaded as I am now.